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stanley rosenberg opas vagushermon parantavaan voimaan kirja

A Guide to the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve

Regular price €20,00
Regular price €36,00 Sale price €20,00
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"A Guide to the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve" - ​​Handbook by Dr. Stanley Rosenberg of Psychology

The Importance of Cranial Nerves to Our Health

Check out psychology doctor Stanley Rosenberg's comprehensive guide that sheds light on the central role of the cranial nerves, especially the vagus nerve, in psychological and physical health. Learn how the function of the vagus nerve affects our emotional states and social interactions.

Restoring the Function of the Vagus Nerve

A powerful guide is now available that shows how restoring vagus nerve function can help navigate psychological and physical challenges. Discover new ways to support mind and body health.

Easy Exercises and Tests

"Guide to the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve" contains numerous easy exercises to regulate the function of the vagus nerve and simple tests to evaluate vagal function. The book is aimed at everyone interested in their health, from healthcare professionals to physical therapists and ordinary readers.

A New Approach to Healing

Stanley Rosenberg's guide offers a new perspective on healing and gives hope to those struggling with chronic challenges, past traumatic events, and autism spectrum disorders. The book supports the theory of the Free to Heal® method about the effect of past events on the nervous system and health.

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